Self realization fellowship
Self realization fellowship

self realization fellowship

Rajarshi Janakananda became head of the SRF.ġ955: Rajarshi Janakananda died and Dayamata became head of the SRF.\ġ990-2012: Ongoing litigation between SRF and Ananda occurred over copyright.Ģ010: Daya Mata died and Mrinalini Mata became head of the SRF.Ģ017: Mrinalini Mata died and Brother (Swami) Chidananda became head of SRF.

self realization fellowship

Washington in Los Angeles.ġ928: Yogananda met with legal trouble in Miami, FL.ġ935: Dhirananda sued Yogananda over an unpaid promissory note.ġ935: Yogananda incorporated the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) and left for India.ġ936: Sri Yukteswar died and Yogananda returned to the United States to remain indefinitely.ġ936: Rajarshi Janakananda presented the Encinitas hermitage as a gift to Yogananda.ġ938: The Golden Lotus Temple at Encinitas was completed.ġ939: Sri Nerode left the organization and sued for damages.ġ942: The SRF Hollywood Temple was opened.ġ942: The Golden Lotus Temple crumbled down the cliff at Swami’s Point.ġ946: Autobiography of a Yogi was published.ġ950: The Lake Shrine at Pacific Palisades was dedicated.ġ951: The third edition of the Autobiography with a new chapter was published by the SRF.ġ952 (March 7): Yogananda died while giving an address at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. 1828: Lahiri Mahasaya was born in Ghurni, India.ġ861: Lahiri Mahasaya received initiation into Kriya Yoga from Mahavatar Babaji.ġ865: Swami Sri Yukteswav was born in Serampore, India.ġ883: Sri Yukteswar received initiation into Kriya Yoga from Lahiri Mahasaya.ġ893 (January 5): Mukunda Lal Ghosh (hereafter, Yogananda) was born in Gorakhpur, India.ġ906: Yogananda was initiated into the first kriya by his father, Bhagavati Charan Ghosh.ġ909: Yogananda met his guru, Sri Yukteswar.ġ915: Yogananda graduated from the College of Calcutta and entered the monastic order.ġ916: Yogananda founded the Yogoda Satsanga Brahmacharya Vidyalaya and relocated it to Ranchi.ġ920: Yogananda arrived in Boston to speak at the International Conference of Religious Liberals.ġ923-1924: Yogananda gradually expanded his lecture circuit and began to attract large audiences.ġ924: Yogananda embarked on a cross-country lecture tour.ġ925: Yogananda established the headquarters of the Yogoda Satsaga at Mt.

Self realization fellowship